From Lives in the Balance
Now, this comic really isn't funny at all. Kids with behavioral challenges are often on the receiving end of physical, chemical, and mechanical restraints and locked-door seclusion. And, regrettably, there are still people who think these procedures are "therapeutic" (even though several children and adolescents die each year as a result of such procedures). In fact, such procedures are usually just acts of desperation that are employed because a child's lagging skills and unsolved problems haven't yet been identified, adults are still viewing the child's challenges through obsolete lenses, and intervention is still primarily emergent (rather than proactive) and punitive (rather than collaborative).
For me and Sam, an environment where Restraints and the use of Seclusion Rooms is not the answer. It is now my job to find
the support I need for Sam to get the proper evaluations to find the lagging
skills and unsolved problems.
To be totally honest, I feel that you twist my
words to use them against us. Sam is 95% successful in the community and 99%
successful in the home. It is not his mental health that is failing him it is
the educational system.
Sam's trauma stems from 6 years of
abuse. We had three formal investigations from Sam reporting to me the abuse
that he endured by those "Security People" at his old school. I am not putting Sam
in a Day Treatment which is the Most Restrictive Environment just because our school district won't help us evaluate Sam to get to what drives "his bus." I also need to add
that the Functional Behavioral Assessment was outdated.
I am building my team and I will hand in the
pediatrician's letter stating that Sam is "medically unable to attend school."
The pediatrician will help us until the evaluations are completed so we know
what drives Sam.
Sam is a creative kid who finds safety in his
creativity. The tutor called me and asked me what "supplies" he had. I told
her that if she came with a notebook and worksheets she would not have success. She came with a notebook and around 50 worksheets. She may say that she was
successful but I was there. Sam was frustrated because again, nobody is
listening to Sam and what he communicates as to what his needs are. Sure enough, she is bringing colored pencils. Sam
needs hands on with a manipulative driven curriculum that addresses his need to
be creative. Scribbling on a piece of paper doesn't cut it.
Please let me know when the CSE is and Sam will not
be joining us. The first order of business is to change his classification to
Autism. I have documentation from our Autism Clinic that says that this is what they
recommend his classification to be. I will bring this documentation to the
I will hand in the letter asking for (per my
advocate) any evaluations, including educational evaluations, that have been
completed on Sam. I am also asking for all notes, from the past two years, of
the CSE meetings. I have been told that the comments from the IEP are not the
notes from the CSE. I will tell the school to put in writing all the things that
are not available to us and I will show the advocate and she will help me get
what she needs to help us.
One last thing, I know you have one of the hardest
jobs in the world and I couldn't do what you do for a living. I also have one
of the hardest jobs in the world that I can't walk away from. I have the
deepest respect for you and your reputation stands on its own. You work for our district and our district and its educational system is who I am angry at. Not you. I
will fight until he is 21. My son deserves an education that addresses his
needs as an individual.
Sam is not a child to lump into one category under
Mental Health. Our kids with Autism, yes that is his primary diagnosis, have a
very high co morbidity rate. The reason why I will fight to change the classification is because 1. Autism is his primary diagnosis and 2. I never
want to hear that he has "Autism like" tendencies again. He doesn't have
"Autism like" tendencies. Sam is diagnosed with Autism and he deserves the
services that are included under that classification.
I have attached the picture of Sam in my arms because this photo was taken one week before the Mental Hygiene Arrest. This is a picture of Sam despondent because he didn't want to go to school where they hurt him. It is this picture that motivates me to find a better solution, which includes data from evaluations and best practices, for Sam.
I have attached the picture of Sam in my arms because this photo was taken one week before the Mental Hygiene Arrest. This is a picture of Sam despondent because he didn't want to go to school where they hurt him. It is this picture that motivates me to find a better solution, which includes data from evaluations and best practices, for Sam.
Definition of Mental
1. a: of, relating to, or being intellectual as contrasted with overt physical activity.
2. a: of, relating to, or affected by a psychiatric disorder <mental patient>.
b: mentally disordered, mad, crazy.
I choose being an intellectual as my definition of being mental.
*The photo that I use for my background was taken by Sam.
Definition of Mental
1. a: of, relating to, or being intellectual as contrasted with overt physical activity.
2. a: of, relating to, or affected by a psychiatric disorder <mental patient>.
b: mentally disordered, mad, crazy.
I choose being an intellectual as my definition of being mental.
*The photo that I use for my background was taken by Sam.
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